Vitamin D Deficiency
Hawaiian green sea turtles don’t need to use sunscreen, but you do.
Since reminding you to practice safe sun, it has been brought to my attention that Vitamin D deficiency is on the rise these days because more of us are using sunscreen and wearing sun protective clothing.
I live in Southern California and I’m outdoors a lot, so it never occurred to me that I wasn’t getting enough Vitamin D – that is, until I got the results of a recent blood test.
My doctor explained that it isn’t just the things I’m purposely doing to prevent skin cancer, it’s also tinted windows that block the UV rays that trigger Vitamin D production in our bodies.
So should we skip the sunscreen? Absolutely not. Melanoma is often fatal and even basal cell carcinomas are no fun. However, a D-3 supplement might be in order. A simple blood test can determine whether you are lacking in D.
The most common symptoms of D deficiency are: depression, chronic fatigue, weight loss, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis.
While “weight loss” sounds like a good thing, the rest of that list is enough to help me remember to take my D-3 pills every day.
I’m not a doctor – and I haven’t even played one on TV – but I think I’m safe in recommending a “D check-up” and the continued use of sunscreen and sun-protective clothing.
Category: Problem Prevention